Dignity Act in Practice
It is the responsibility of each person to help make a safe and welcoming place where everyone feels comfortable. We treat each other with respect and kindness. We don’t make fun of or exclude people for how they look, what they think or believe, or how they feel. We accept and celebrate both the ways in which we are the same and the ways in which we are different, and we learn from each other.
Anyone who is made to feel frightened, or embarrassed, or uncomfortable anywhere in the school- classroom, playground, lunchroom, bathroom, hallway, or on the bus, or through the use of a computer or cell phone is able to get help by speaking to an adult –teacher, counselor, school nurse, principal, aide, bus driver or parent.
Anyone who hears, sees, or knows of a friend in trouble is also able to get help from an adult.
As members of the school community, we all need to stand up for each other to be upstanders instead of bystanders.
Dignity Act Coordinators at Guggenheim Elementary School
Dr. Kimberly Licato, Principal
Dr. Gia Campagna, School Psychologist
Mrs. Arzu Alkan, School Counselor
DA in plain language created for the elementary schools created by the PGCD DA subcommittee